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​Single-Author Books

Elmer, G. (in progress). ​Going Public: Accounts & Accountability in the New Media. ​

Langlois, G. 2014. ​Meaning in the Age of Social Media. ​New York: Palgrave

Elmer, G. 2004. ​Profiling Machines: Mapping the Personal Information Economy, ​Cambridge: MIT Press.

Co-Authored Books

Renzi, A. & Elmer, G. 2012. ​Infrastructure Critical: Sacrifice at the Toronto G20 Summit, ​Winnipeg: ARP Press.

Elmer, G., Langlois, G., Mckelvey, F. 2012. ​The Permanent Campaign: New Media, New Politics. ​New York: Peter Lang.

Elmer, G., & Opel, A. 2008. ​Preempting Dissent: The Politics of an Inevitable Future, ​Winnipeg: Arbeiter Ring Press.

Co-Edited Books

Langlois, G., Redden, J., Elmer, G., eds. 2015. ​Compromised Data – From Social Media to Big Data. ​New York: Bloomsbury.

Elmer, G., Davis, C., Marchessault, J., McCullough, J. eds. 2010. ​Locating Migrating Media, ​Lexington Press.

Elmer, G., & Gasher, M. eds. 2005. ​Contracting Out Hollywood: Runaway Productions and Foreign Location Shooting, ​Boulder: Rowan & Littlefield.

Elmer, G. ed. 2002. ​Critical Perspectives on the Internet, ​Boulder: Rowan & Littlefield.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Elmer, G. (under review). “Taking New Meda Public: The Financialization of Marconi’s Wireless Company”, ​New Media & Society.

Elmer, G. 2015. “Accounting for the Value of Social Media”, ​Social Media & Society.

Elmer, G. 2013. “Live Research: Micro-blogging an election debate”, ​New Media & Society, ​vol 15. (1). pp-18-30.

Renzi, A., & G. Elmer. 2013. “Don’t fence us in: Preempting Dissent at the Toronto G8/20”, ​Theory, Culture and Society.

Langlois, G & G. Elmer. 2013. “The Research Politics of Social Media Platforms”, ​Culture Machine. ​vol. 14, pp. 1-17.

Elmer, G. 2013. “Accounting in/for New Media”, ​Journal of Critical Studies in Business & Society, ​vol 4., (1).

Elmer, G. 2013. “IPO 2.0: The Panopticon Goes Public”, ​MediaTropes, ​Vol. 14 pp, 1-16.

​Tiessen, M. & G. Elmer. 2013. “Neoliberal Diagrammatics and Digital Control”, Vol. 14, pp. i-xvi.

Langlois, G. 2013. The New Governance of Participatory Culture. ​Television & New Media, 14​(2), pp.91-105.

Elmer, G. and G. Langlois. 2013. Networked Campaigns: Traffic Tags and Cross-Platform Analysis on the Web. ​Information Polity 18​(2013), pp. 43-56.

Langlois, G., and G. Elmer. 2013. The Research Politics of Social Media Platforms. ​Culture Machine, 14 ​(2013).…. 9391 words.

Elmer, G. 2012. Collaboration-led research, ​Canadian Journal of Communication. ​vol 31 (1), pp. 189-192
Reprinted as: Langlois, Ganaele, McKelvey, Fenwick & Greg Elmer. 2011. “Vernetzte Öffentlichkeiten: Die doppelte Artikulation von Code und Politik in Facebook”. In ​Generation Facebook, ​eds., Theo Rohle & Oliver Leistert, 253-278. Bielefeld (Germany): Transcript

Langlois, G. 2011. Meaning, Semiotechnologies and Participatory Media. ​Culture Machine, 12​(2011).…. 6196 words.

Elmer, G. 2010. “Locating Networks”, ​Aether: The Journal of Media Geography, ​vol 5, pp. 18-26.

​Elmer, G. 2009. “The Balanced-Boredom Campaign”, ​ESC: English Studies in Canada, ​vol 33, (3), pp. 20-23.

Langlois, G ., Elmer, G., & McKelvey, F. 2009. “Facebook Subjectivation”, ​Canadian Journal of Communication, vol. 34.

Langlois, G., McKelvey, F., Elmer, G., Devereaux, Z. and Ryan, P. 2009. Networked Publics: the Double Articulation of Code and Politics on Facebook. ​Canadian Journal of Communication 34​(3), pp. 415-434.

Langlois, G., McKelvey, F., Elmer, G. and Werbin, K. 2009. Mapping Commercial Web 2.0 Worlds: Towards a New Critical Ontogenesis. ​Fibreculture 14. ​…. 7611 words.

Elmer, G., Ryan, P.M., Devereaux, Z., Langlois, G., McKelvey, F. 2009. Blogs I Read: Partisanship in the Canadian Blogosphere. ​Journal of Information, Politics, and Technology 6​(2).

Langlois, G. and Elmer, G. 2009. Wikipedia Leeches? The Promotion of Traffic through a Collaborative Web Format. ​New Media & Society ​11(5). pp. 773-794.

Elmer, G.; Ryan, P.M.; Devereaux, Z.; Langlois, G.; Redden, J. and McKelvey, F. 2007. Election Bloggers: Methods for Determining Political Influence. ​First Monday ​12(4).

Elmer, G. 2006. “Re-tooling the Network: Parsing the Links, Codes, and Commands of the Web World”, ​Convergence: The International Journal of Research in New Media Technologies, ​vol 12 (1).

Elmer, G & Opel, A. 2006. “Surviving the Inevitable Future: Preemption in an Age of Faulty Intelligence”, ​Cultural Studies, ​vol. 20 (3).

Elmer, G. 2006. “U.S. Energy Policy: Mapping the Cyber-Stakeholders”, ​The Communication Review. ​vol 9, #4, pp.297-320.

Elmer, G., Devereaux, Z., & Skinner, D. 2006. “Disaggregating Online News: The Canadian Federal Election (2005-2006)”, ​Scan, ​<…>

Elmer, G. 2003. “A Diagram of Panoptic Surveillance”, ​New Media & Society, ​vol 5., (20) pp. 231-247

Elmer, Greg. (2002). “Consumption in the Network Age: Solicitation, Automation, and Networking”, Convergence: The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Vol. 8, #1, pp. 86-99.

Elmer, Greg. (2001). “Policing Space and Race: Prejudice, Policies, and Racial Profiling” Space and Culture, #11/12, pp. 177-179.

Elmer, Greg. (2001). ” Hypertext on the Web: The Beginning and End of Web Path-ology”, Space and Culture, #10, pp. 1-14

Elmer, Greg. (2001). “Promotional Events in Peculiar Places: Persistent Disasters and Polar Beach Parties”, Topia: A Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, #5, pp. 20-32.

Elmer, Greg. (2000). “The Politics of Computer Profiling”, EASST Review (European Association for the Study of Science and Technology), Vol. 19, #1. [expanded version reprinted in R. Rogers (2000), see under articles in collections].

Elmer, Greg. (1998). “Diagrams, Maps and Markets: The Technological Matrix of Geographical Information Systems”, Space and Culture, #3, pp. 41-60

Elmer, Greg. (1997). “Spaces of Surveillance: Indexicality and Solicitation on the Internet”, Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Vol. 14, #2, pp. 182-191.

Elmer, Greg & Bram Abramson. (1997). “Excavating Ethnicity in Quebecois”, Quebec Studies, Vol. 23,13-28.

Elmer, Greg. (1996). “U.S. Cultural Policy and the (De)Regulation of the Self”, Continuum: The Australian Journal of Media & Culture, Vol. 9, #1.

Articles in Edited Collections

Elmer, Greg. (2015) “Mobilizing Protest Media: From the Hand-held to the Documentary”, in L. Dencik & Leistert, Eds. Social Media Protest: Contentions and Debates, Rowman Littlefield.

Elmer, Greg. (2015). “First-Person Media: Scraping the Web”, in Langlois, Redden & Elmer (Eds) Compromised Data, London:Bloomsbury press.

Renzi, A and Langlois, G. 2015. “Data Activism”. In ​Compromised Data: From Social Media to Big Data, ​eds. Greg Elmer, Ganaele Langlois and Joanna Redden, 202-225. London: Bloomsbury.

Langlois, Ganaele, J. Redden and G. Elmer. (2015). Introduction to Compromised Data, inLanglois, Redden & Elmer (Eds) Compromised Data, London:Bloomsbury press.

Elmer, Greg, Ganaele Langlois and Fenwick McKelvey. (2014). “The Permanent Campaign. New Media, New Political Actors”, K. Kozolanko Ed. The Promotional State: Communication Perspectives, U of Toronto Press.

Elmer, Greg & Andy Opel. (2013), “Preemption, Premediation, Prediction: Betting on the Future”, in K.Gates Ed. Future Media Studies, New York: Blackwell.

Langlois, Ganaele. 2012. “Social Media, or Towards a Political Economy of Psychic Life”. In ​The Unlike Us Reader, ​ed, Geert Lovink and Miariam Rasch, 50-60. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures.

Elmer, Greg. (2012). “The Panopticon, Discipline, Control”, in D. Lyon, K. Ball, K. Haggerty Eds. The Handbook of Surveillance Studies, London: Routledge.

Langlois, Ganaele, McKelvey, Fenwick & Greg Elmer. (2011). “Networked Publics: Methodological Reflections on the Double Articulation of Code and Politics on Facebook” in The Facebook Reader, Theo Rohle & Oliver Leistert (Eds). Bielefeld (Germany): Transcript.

Elmer, Greg, S. Sams, Y. Soo Lim & H. Woo Park. (2010). “Online Political Jurisdictions”, WCU Conference proceedings, Vol. 1. Seoul, South Korea.

Elmer, Greg, C. Davis, J. Marchessault & J. McCullough. (2010). “Introduction: Locating Migrating Media”, in G. Elmer et als Locating Migrating Media, Lexington Press.

Elmer, Greg. (2009). “Robots.txt: The Politics of Search Engine Exclusion”, in The Spam Book: On Anomalous Objects of Digital Culture, J. Parikka and T. Sampson Eds, Hampton Press.

Elmer, Greg. (2008). “Exclusionarly Rules? The Development of an Internet Convention”, The Handbook of Internet Politics C. Chadwick & P. Howard Eds. London: Routledge.

Elmer, Greg. (2008). “Global Shot Locations in Los Angeles: The Promotion of New Cinematic Spaces”, in Janet Wasko Ed., Cross Border Cultural Production.

Elmer, Greg & Andy Opel. (2006). “Pre-empting Panoptic Surveillance: Surviving the Inevitable Waron Terror”, in Theorizing Surveillance: The Panopticon and Beyond D. Lyon Ed., Cullompton, Willan Publishers.

Elmer, Greg. (2006). “The Vertical Net”, in Critical Cyberculture Studies: New Directions, Silver et. als. (eds)., New York: NYU Press.

Elmer, Greg & Mike Gasher. (2005). “Catching up to Runaway Shot Locations”, in Elmer, Greg & Mike Gasher. (eds.) Relocating Hollywood: Runaway Productions and Foreign Location Shooting.

Elmer, Greg. (2002). “A Critical Primer for the Internet”, in G. Elmer (ed.) Critical Perspectives on the Internet, Boulder: Rowman & Littlefield.

Elmer, Greg. (2002). ” Enabling/Disabling Convenience and Relevance on the Web: The Case of Web Browser Cookies”, in G. Elmer (ed.) Critical Perspectives on the Internet, Boulder: Rowman & Littlefield, p. 49-62.

Elmer, Greg. (2000). “The Economy of Cyberpromotion: Awards on the World Wide Web”, in Andrew Herman & Thomas Swiss eds. The World Wide Web and Contemporary Cultural Theory, London: Routledge, pp. 161-170.

Elmer, Greg. (2000). “The Politics of Profiling”, in R. Rogers ed. Preferred Placement: Knowledge Politics on the Web, Maastricht: Jan Van Eyck Akademie Editions, pp. 65-72.

Elmer, Greg. (1997). “Knowlton Nash”, “David Suzuki” and “The Fifth Estate”, in Newcomb, Horace (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Television, Fitzroy Dearborn Press: Austin.

Guest Edited Journal Issues

Tiessen, M. & Elmer, G. Eds. 2013. “Deleuze/Foucault: A Diagram”, ​MediaTropes, ​Volume 4 #1.

Hands, J., Elmer, G., & Langlois, G. Eds. 2013. “Networked Politics”, ​Culture Machine, ​Volume 14.

Elmer, G. Ed. 2001. “Archives”, ​Space and Culture, ​#10.